Ola Kala Sailing SRL. Terms & Conditions:

1.    Agreement

By booking a sailing trip with Ola Kala Sailing, you agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time without notice.

2.    Booking and Payment

2.1 Booking:

To book a sailing trip, you must submit a completed booking form and pay the deposit or full payment. The booking form must include accurate information about yourself and your fellow passengers.

2.2 Payment:

Payment can be made online using a credit card or bank transfer. The balance of the trip price must be paid no later than 60 days before departure. If the balance is not paid by this time, Ola Kala Sailing reserves the right to cancel the booking and retain the deposit.

3.    Cancellation and Refund

3.1 Cancellation by You:

If you need to cancel your trip, you must notify Ola Kala Sailing in writing. The following cancellation charges will apply:

  • Cancellation 90 days or more before departure: Loss of deposit
  • Cancellation between 60 and 89 days before departure: 50% of trip price
  • Cancellation less than 60 days before departure: 100% of trip price

3.2 Cancellation by Ola Kala Sailing:

Ola Kala Sailing reserves the right to cancel a trip at any time for reasons such as weather, mechanical problems, or insufficient bookings. In such cases, a full refund will be given.

4.    Travel Insurance

Ola Kala Sailing requires all passengers to have travel insurance that covers sailing and water sports activities. It is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance policy provides adequate coverage for the trip.

5.    Passport and Visa

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a valid passport and any necessary visas or travel documents for your trip. Ola Kala Sailing is not responsible for any costs or delays arising from failure to comply with these requirements.

6.    Health and Fitness

Sailing trips can be physically demanding, and you should ensure that you are in good health and physical condition before booking a trip. Ola Kala Sailing reserves the right to refuse to allow a passenger to participate in a trip if they are deemed to be physically unfit or a risk to themselves or others.

7.    Safety and Conduct

7.1 Safety:

Ola Kala Sailing is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all passengers. Passengers must follow all safety instructions and regulations issued by the skipper.

7.2 Conduct:

Ola Kala Sailing reserves the right to refuse to allow a passenger to participate in a trip or to remove a passenger from a trip if their behavior is deemed to be unacceptable or a risk to themselves or others. No refund will be given in such cases.

8.    Limitation of Liability

Ola Kala Sailing is not responsible for any injury, illness, death, or damage to property arising from your participation in a sailing trip. Ola Kala Sailing’s liability is limited to the cost of the trip booked with us.

9.    Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions or your participation in a sailing trip will be governed by Greek law and resolved in the courts of Greece.

10.     Privacy Policy

Ola Kala Sailing is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We will only use your personal data for the purposes of providing you with the services you have booked with us. We will never share your data with third parties without your consent.

11.     Severability

If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and